Compact pipe renewal of a water pipe from the water pumping station Hulín to treatment plant in Kroměříž

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The pipeline was put out of operation on the February 13th. The renovation is a construction of great importance for the whole area, as according to the plans of VAK Kroměříž the use of water source in Hulín is going to be much higher in future. Our company Wombat is associated with company VHS Javorník and together we are main contractor on the site.

After the water from the pipe was emptied, the diameter of the host steel pipe was measured and CCTV examination of first sections was carried out, to confirm lengths for order of the folded pipe from material PE HD 100 RC. According to the technological procedure the pipe was pulled to sections host pipe and expanded.

The construction is demanding mainly because of the layout of the pipe, as its trajectory is laying in fields used for agriculture. Weather is a very important factor, as moisture causes softening of the ground base which makes the access of heavy machinery to shafts impossible. Thanks to the careful planning of particular steps with taking weather conditions in consideration we are fulfilling the schedule comfortably.

In 45 work days, we have managed to clean 3400 m of the host steel pipe, the new PE pipe has been pulled and expanded to 1890 m.

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